High Availability & Disaster Recovery

High Availability & Disaster Recovery from Instrument Manager


Avoid the risk of lab downtime with automatic failover and offsite disaster recovery

It’s easy to underestimate the cost and risk of downtime. An outage isn’t only hard on your lab – the effect cascades down to patients and practitioners with delayed results and potentially impacted treatment.

High Availability & Disaster Recovery from Instrument Manager keeps your lab on its feet in the event of an unplanned outage. With automatic and virtually instant failover, lab operations continue without interruption so you can focus on delivering results to the patients who need them. And, with offsite disaster recovery mirroring, you’ll protect your data so you can rapidly restore operations if a site disaster occurs.

Key Features

Always on High Availability

Protect your uptime and your lab

Hands-off reliability with automated failover

With automated failover, your lab keeps operating without any manual IT intervention

Real-time notifications

Send real-time, multi-channel alerts to the people who need them

Develop data confidence with disaster recovery

Protect your data with continuous mirroring across multiple sites to prevent data gaps in the event of a site or natural disaster

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