Anatomic Pathology (AP) HL7 messages are structured differently than clinical chemistry or hematology HL7 messages. The first step in understanding Anatomic Pathology HL7 messages is to understand the structure of an AP case. AP cases are comprised of four distinct layers of information in a hierarchy. Each case has one or more specimens, each specimen has one or more blocks, and each block has one or more slides.

The second step in understanding AP HL7 messages is to realize that staining instruments do not produce results. Instead, instruments provide status messages which may include updates, such as a stain run has begun or a stain run has completed.
Let’s look at the components of an HL7 order message.
NOTE This order message is from a specific Laboratory Information System. Please refer to your Laboratory Information System’s driver help file for detailed information about the structure and content of the expected HL7 message.

Here is how Instrument Manager parses the specimen and test data from the order:

Here are the artifacts that are produced by this message:

Now let’s look at the components of an HL7 status message.
NOTE This status message is from a specific instrument. Please refer to your instrument’s driver help file for detailed information about the structure and content of the expected HL7 message.

Here is how Instrument Manager processes this status message with the driver configuration test code mapping:

Here are the artifacts that are produced by this message:

If you have questions about Understanding Anatomic Pathology HL7 Messages, please contact your Business Partner (if applicable) or the appropriate DI Regional Support team with your contact information, IM license number, and nature of the request.