St. Jansdal Case Study

St. Jansdal Case Study


St. Jansdal Case Study

Taking Autoverification to the Next Level with Notifier

Using Instrument Manager (IM) from Data Innovations, St. Jansdal Hospital had honed their autoverification rules so well that only 1% of their samples required manual review. Their challenge: “How do we know when a sample needs review?” They turned to IM’s Notifier feature. In addition to pop-up messages and emails, a centrally mounted light pole alerts technologists when there is an exception, further increasing the lab’s efficiency and improving their workflow.

To read more about St. Jansdal Ziekenhuis’ experience achieving autoverification in Chemistry with Data Innovations Instrument ManagerTM fill out the form below and recieve the download link via e-mail.

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The Profile


Regional Hospital


340 Beds


General Hospital


  • Sysmex/Cellavision
  • Dimension
  • Centaur
  • Immulite
  • Immunocap


  • 800 patients
  • 10.000 tests


  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Hematology
  • DNA
  • Immunochemistry
  • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Bloodtransfusion


Labosys by Philips

Key Takeaways

  • Automatic notification to lab personnel when intervention is needed
  • 99% reduction in CC/IA samples requiring manual review
  • Real-time QC monitoring integrated with autoverification
  • Reduced staff fatigue while experiencing a 10% increase in volume

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